The popular Bouquet lamp, designed by Sinja Svarrer Damkjær, is also available as a table and floor lamp under the names Bouquet Floor Lamp and Bouquet Table Lamp. With a playful expression, the two lamps suggest that you can interact with them when they are used. With the lamps, the designer Sinja wanted to add a playful interaction with the design. The Bouquet Floor Lamp has a long and slender foot, which makes it move slightly when you touch it. Like a flower swaying in the fresh spring breeze. The table lamp Bouquet Table Lamp has a small recess in the base, which means that it can be used as a small bowl. With the enclosed light source in both lamps, they can be used in many places, as they provide a pleasant light without dazzling.
This product does not belong to the Price 5 Collection
Product Type: Lamps
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