Inspired by the animated world of Japan, All The Way To Paris has created a group of colorful characters. Brought to life with vibrant Japanese ink, Saki San stands proudly – her creeping body in pink is highlighted by her bright red lips. Full of quirkiness and fervor, these animated individuals bring a sense of joy and mischief into your home. Paper Collective is a sustainable company that produces locally in Denmark and uses only high-quality, FSC-marked material and is certified with the Swan mark (The Swan Eco label is the official sustainability label for the Nordic countries). Item number: M4143 Colour: pink, red, white Material: FSC-certified paper Dimensions: LxWxH: 30 x 0.1 x 40 cm Warning: The frame is not included.
This product does not belong to the Price 5 Collection
Product Type: Posters, Prints, & Visual Artwork
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