Inspired by the animated world of Japan, All The Way To Paris has created a group of colorful characters. Brought to life with vibrant Japanese ink, Hiroshi San plays the wise old man with his creeping green body and bright blue whiskers. Full of quirkiness and fervor, these animated individuals bring a sense of joy and mischief into your home. Paper Collective is a sustainable company that produces locally in Denmark and uses only high-quality, FSC-marked material and is certified with the Swan mark (The Swan Eco label is the official sustainability label for the Nordic countries). Item number: M4149 Colour: Green, Blue, Red, White Material: FSC-certified paper Dimensions: LxWxH: 30 x 0.1 x 40 cm Warning: The frame is not included.
This product does not belong to the Price 5 Collection
Product Type: Posters, Prints, & Visual Artwork
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